Sauk City Copper Roofing


Consider a Copper Roof for Your Sauk City, WI, Home

Sauk City Copper Roofing

Could the roof of your Sauk City, Wisconsin, home use an upgrade? Maybe its old and worn-out appearance is seriously detracting from your home’s curb appeal, or perhaps you’re ready to reap the often-significant energy savings a new, energy-efficient roof can provide. A copper roof can aid in both of these concerns. The major benefits of a copper roof include:

Unmatched Curb Appeal

Copper is a particularly beautiful metal roof material that never fails to turn heads. If you’re ready to love the look of the home you see at the end of the driveway again, you’ll love a copper roof. Copper roofing can increase your home’s resale value, as well, if you’re thinking about selling your home in the near future.

Superb Energy Efficiency

Metal is widely regarded as one of the most energy-efficient roofing materials available. Why? Because instead of absorbing heat from the sun, it effectively reflects it , keeping heat from entering your attic through the roof and heating up your home.

Long-Lasting Durability

Metal roofing isn’t just praised for its energy efficiency; it’s also lauded for its durability. Copper roofing can last half a century with the right maintenance. And, at Frey Construction, we guarantee our metal roofing for life, allowing you to rest assured that your already-strong investment is protected.

Can You See a Copper Roof on Your Home?

At Frey Construction, we’re ready and waiting to start a copper roof project at your Sauk City, WI, residence. Contact us today to learn more about our metal roofing!