
Your Remodeling Project Down to the Last Penny


Everyone—and we mean everyone—cares deeply about costs when hiring out a home remodel. Whether it’s about value, affordability, or both, you have every right to know where your remodeling dollars are going, right down to the last penny. Transparent pricing gives YOU complete control in separating YOUR must-haves from YOUR want-to-haves. That’s the way it should be. After all, who are we tell you where and how to invest your cash?

A basement before we came in and remodeled.

Basement Remodel Cross Plains Wisconsin

The basement after we completed the work.

Generally speaking, people need far less customizing in terms of exterior work than interior work, so we give fixed prices for our exterior remodels, with a wide variety of options at pre-set prices. However, our approach to pricing interior remodels is a whole other ball of wax. We choose to provide down-to-the-penny, line-item pricing. This gives our customers tremendous latitude in customizing their remodeling plans. When they know the precise costs of the work, right down to the switch plates, it becomes much easier for them to prioritize what really matters and cherry-pick until the project fits their budget. That’s a critical advantage when the proposal’s bottom line seems too high.

Which brings us to a sobering reality for customers: The price is almost always more than people expect. That’s partly why you’ll want to know where every single penny will be going. Not all contractors provide this degree of transparency in their pricing, but we do. We simply don’t do $30,000 kitchens. We do $30,546.87 ones. In other words, we shine a pretty bright light on our prices. That way, customers who want to save a little money have a better idea where to do it.

Here’s the rub: We don’t think it’s appropriate for a remodeler to decide how bad a customer wants something. Only the customer knows. Of course, we begin by working with customers to design rooms that fit the flow of their lives. Then we help them pick out products. We go over each detail, right down to the look and placement of the light switches. Once the vision is in place, we compile detailed pricing from everyone and for everything involved. It’s then up to the customer to choose where and how they’re most comfortable cutting costs—for example by deciding to do their own painting in order to afford a really cool back splash.

The bottom line is that transparent pricing leads to a more successful project and a better client-customer relationship from the get-go. We get that. Our customers love us and always come back because they trust us. We know what we’re doing, but only you know what you really want—and how much you’re willing to spend to get it!