We Won! Best of Madison!

We are very, VERY pleased to share the great news! Frey Construction has received not one...not two...but THREE “Best of Madison” awards from Madison Magazine for the THIRD YEAR IN A ROW!
What an honor! The 2022 awards are for the “Best Roofer” ,"Best Windows & Doors" and “Best Kitchen & Bath Design” categories; both are within the magazine’s broader “Home & Lifestyle” category.
The voting period took place throughout the month of April. Of the six nominees for each category, total votes cast determined winners at three levels: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Frey Construction won BEST ROOFER at the highest level…the GOLD! Silver Level for WINDOWS & DOORS and Bronze Level for KITCHEN & BATH DESIGN!
We extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to vote for Frey Construction. We wouldn’t be the company we are today without our incredible Clients and each and every one of YOU!
We are truly blessed by the loyalty of our Clients and our incredible team of employees. Thank you!