A Wisconsin Winter and a Roof


Every year, like clockwork, we get an uptick in roofing calls right around the time the crocuses peek through the soil. In other words, now. Like you, we welcome the sight of spring posies. And like you, we also see the damages that winter left behind. As the snow melts, your SOS calls come in loud and clear, and we often accrue a long waiting line for roof inspections, repairs, and replacement.

What about that roof? Freeze-and-thaw cycles are rough on it. Let’s say your complete roof system—not just the shingles—is a combination of asphalt, aluminum, steel, and wood. While this team-up is common for many Wisconsin roofs, each of these materials expands and contracts at a different rate as temperatures rise and fall. In our classic story “A Wisconsin Winter and a Roof,” the foursome fight to stay attached to each other. Every year.

The newer the roof, the more flexible the adhesive and membranes, and the less likelihood of failure, as in openings between once-joined materials. But as the roof ages, watch out. The first signs of trouble are usually seen at flashing points, where unsound little splits and cracks will expand. Before you know it, you’re dealing with leaks and costly repairs. You might even have to replace your roof prematurely, well short of its optimal life expectancy.

Area roofs withstand heavy loads of snow and ice each winter, meaning a heightened challenge of ice dams, and often mandating lots of roof-raking. Now that your roof isn’t a slippery mess of ice and snow, it’s time to have it inspected. Ignoring the high potential for undetected damage is like ignoring a ticking time-bomb. You already know it’s best to fix a leak before it leaks! Otherwise, the spring rains could water your living room, and then some.

The saying “timing is everything” is pretty apt here, especially as we face the rising (and rising) costs of construction products, prices that are far out of our control. But the work still needs doing… Here’s the upside. Today’s prices are likely going to be the lowest of the year, meaning THIS is the time to contact Frey Construction, before product costs rise even more. And, drum roll, our roof inspections are free-of-charge. You read that right. When we inspect your roof, you pay nothing. Nada. Zero!

Have you been chomping at the bit to get your home in shape for the grilling-and-gardening season ahead? You’re not alone. In fact, the line’s already forming. You don’t want to regret putting off until tomorrow what you could (should!) do today. Contact us now. Get your roof inspected and, if necessary, repaired without a wait!

Act now for the lowest prices of the year! Plus, get a bonus 22% OFF Gutters OR Insulation with any full roof replacement.